Save the Flight Drama Fo’ Yo Mama

7 Jul

So much flight drama yesterday. In the afternoon I discovered/realized that I had purchased the wrong day to fly to California and none of my family had realized it! The itinerary was for the same time but an entire day earlier. Worst of all, I wasn’t near a computer at that time, so things took a while to get sorted out. It’s so hard to mentally prepare yourself to leave 24 hours ahead of when you originally had planned.

I’m blogging from home today so you can guess that it all worked out! Thanks to the lovely people at southwest I was able to cancel the Wednesday flight (free of charge!) and find a separate direct nonstop flight to San Diego that arrive a little earlier and is actually slightly closer. Best off all, because I used my miles, this flight ended up being cheaper than the one we started with! Now I really get a tour of SoCal! San Diego to San Clemente to Big Bear Lake to Los Angeles. And I get to spend some quality time with this chica.

Though I’m lovin’ photography, I’m pretty spankin’ new to the camera world. I took a lesson at a local photo school to get more acquainted with the capabilities of my camera. I learned so much. I need to make sure to practice it all too. I did my research before buying my Canon S90, but I had no idea it could do some of these things.

What's Black, White, and Blue all over?



I’ve always wanted to isolate colors ever since I got into art and painting! I am now equipped with 200% more knowledge about my camera, which is key for all of my Aussie photo taking!


French Toast with Berry Sauce

This berry sauce is making appearances like an Obsession, no?


It was 104 degrees yesterday and pushing 100 today. Needless to say I’m keeping my workout in air-conditioned facilities 😉 I worked out some excess energy on the treadmill at the gym.

Sprint Workout

  • 2:00 warmup at 3.7 mph
  • 4:00 at 7.5 mph and a 1.0 incline    x2 (45 second rest* between sprints) I kept the same incline for all the sprints
  • 3:00 at 7.5    x2 (45 second rest* between sprints)
  • 2:00 at 7.5    x2 (45 second rest* between sprints)
  • 1:45 at 7.7    x2 (45 second rest* between sprints)
  • 1:30 at 7.9    x2 (45 second rest* between sprints)
  • 1:15 at 8.0    x2 (40 second rest* between sprints)
  • 1:00 at 8:0    x2 (35 second rest* between sprints)
  • o:45 at 8.0    x2 (30 second rest* between sprints)
  • Cool down for 5:00 at 3.8

*rest = stopping, not walking and working on my breathing to get my heart rate down before the next sprint

I did a few core exercises after my cooldown

  • Medicine ball twists  (30 reps)
  • Medicine ball throws (15 reps)
  • Side planks
  • Suitcase crunches (15 reps)
  • Medicine ball crunches (15 reps)

I repeated this circuit three times.


According to my Polar Fitness Watch for the first 15 minutes of sprints I had no heart rate. I’m sorry Señor Polar, but I do not think I was dead during the first mile. It started working after that so here are the stats in total.

  • Calories: 418
  • Max Heart Rate: 210
  • Ave. Heart Rate: 125

Failed attempt at home-made froyo

I love the taste of tart yogurt and bloobs, so of course I still gobbled this up, but the texture wasn’t quite right.

I combines plain greek yogurt with sucanat in my ice cream maker. Next time maybe I’ll add some vanilla and won’t freeze the ice cream maker for quite as long. We’ll just mark this recipe to be continued…

I’m going to have my last homemade meal tonight. Usually when I would leave for school I would load up on veggies because I knew I wouldn’t be able to eat all the greens I wanted. This time I’m not so sure what I wont be able to get there. Australia is pretty sustainable and ahead with the Slow Movement….hmm, should we be worried I’m not going to come back? I kid.

Tonight all my friends are coming over to hang out one last time and say goodbye before I leave!


Do you have a ritual last meal? Do you pack your own food for airplanes or buy it at the airport?

I usually eat some weird concoction of veggies and tomato sauce or something with eggs. I always bring my own food (I’m picky like that) and sometimes even get weird looks from people trying to figure out the heck is in my sandwich. 😉


2 Responses to “Save the Flight Drama Fo’ Yo Mama”

  1. Suzi July 7, 2010 at 2:09 pm #

    No worries finding fresh produce… they have the BEST markets in Australia with fresh foods, home-made yogurts, and super yummy treats! I would go to the markets every week, and very rarely a grocery store unless I needed staples, or my phone re-juiced. They don’t have all the foods we do over there though, but it’s a good additional way to get packages sent to you! You are going to have such a WONDERFUL time! Can’t wait to read your updates!

    Xo – Suzi

    • Casey July 7, 2010 at 6:45 pm #

      I’m so excited to eat and drink my way through Australia, haha!
      I’m going to email you a few more questions before I leave

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