Archive | 7:18 pm

All Hail The Queen

22 Jul

Spotty internet yet again! Hopefully it’s here to stay this time. I feel lost without any access to email. Le sigh.

I will now continue with your previously planned programming.

The Queen Victoria market is only few blocks from the Uni. I think I may be spending more time here than my own room. The market is massive and I was astonished at how sustainable, organic, and healthified everything was!

There is a ‘food court’ on the inside, miles and miles of produce stands, an entire building devoted to meats and cheeses, and a home goods, clothing, and accessory market across the street.

Lentil Burger: made from lentils, beans,  chickpeas, potatoes, and herbs. Topped with beets, spinach and a sweet chili sauce.

Veggie Burger: made from fresh vegetables and potatoes and topped with spinach, sweet chili sauce, and a herbed mayo.

The veggie burger was good, but the lentil burger was the one worth dating exclusively. That may have been because I was insanely hungry, but it was memorable nonetheless.

FYI: These were eaten on separate occasions, I wasn’t that hungry.

These burgers were so affordable too! They only cost me 4 AUD$ a pop.

Whilst camera creepin’ on my burger, I got to chatting with two curious blokes from the area. They gave me the low down on all the best markets in the area and good places to get my slow food on! The options in this city (and the countryside) seem to be endless. I just hope I have enough time to go to all of these places in my short 5 month stint.

I also bought a few things throughout the market.

Biodynamic Passionfruit Greek Yogurt

Gasm. As if it wasn’t perfect enough: it’s local.

Chic Nuts. Good name for a good product. These are made just up the coast in Queensland.

I’m on an obsessions overload this week! If your new to my obsessions, then clearly I am new to you too! Check out what I’m all about if you haven’t already.

Speaking of obsessions…….trust me it did not end there. I wondered around Fitzroy to find this little gem called the Vegie Bar. I was craving veggies like you couldn’t believe and the options on the menu were endless. I was tempted to order the banana carob smoothie, but decided to save that treat for the PM. I was torn between 4 different dishes that could pretty much be summarized as ‘copious amounts of veggies with hummous or faux meats’. Oh, hello new favorite restaurant. How are you doing?

After the waiter mopped up all of my drool that had poured over the menu I got my fresh squeezed juice of apple, carrot, celery, and ginger.

Drum roll please…..


Sweet potatoes, white potatoes, mixed greens, roasted carrots, zucchini,  pumpkin seeds, Foccacia, pillowy mounds of fresh tzatziki and hummous.

Vegie bar also serves house made sietan, tofu, or tempeh burgers in addition to pizzas, wraps, desserts, etc… The entire menu is vegetarian with a ton of vegan and gluten free options.

Side Note: Sometimes when I read over my blog I tend to realize how much I looooove everything. Trust me on this, I’m a picky eater. I’m a foodie. If I’m going to eat I want to enjoy it. I want it to be memorable. I tend to do my research or shop around for meal ideas, restaurants, etc… That being said, when I have a meal that was impromptu and also forgettable. It wont really get as much face time as say…..carob peanut butter flavored froyo (hey, a girl can dream right?)

That’s all I got for tonight. More to come: Race recap, Queens College Tour, Cupcakes, Pizza, and Live Music!
