Touristy? I Think Not.

27 Dec

Though I was in Melbourne for quite some time, I never got around to doing all the touristy things in the city. I hesitate to use the world “touristy” because they’re not your average “take-a-photo-next-to-something-subpar-and-get-a-keychain-to-commemorate-it” sort of places.

They’re actually pretty frickin’ cool.

Case and point Graffiti in Melbourne, namely on Hosier Lane.

Melbourne is unique because of its many laneways.

Some of the laneways are strung with cafes and boutiques and brimming with people at all hours.

A Laneway off of Flinders Lane

Some are desolate and dodgy but house quirky and eclectic bars or clubs within their depths.

And some have ever-changing Graffiti, which is one of the most organic art forms of art. 

Hosier Lane is famous in particular. Part of the great thing about Graffiti is that it was not made to last forever. It was made to deteriorate, fade away, or to be painted over.

Graffiti artist usually remain anonymous or go by a pseudonym. While it’s not frowned upon by police it is also not completely supported, so their work is usually done in the wee hours of the night.My Mom and I at Hosier LaneNext “touristy” stop: The Great Ocean Road!

The day I chose to do this was definitely not the best with the weather. Read: rainy and cloudy

I took the train to Warrnambool to meet my friend Josh and we made our way back to Melbourne.

First landmark was The Grotto
It was raining hardest at that point so we hightailed it to something you may recognize from many travel books.

The Twelve Apostles

Just in case you weren’t sure what would happen if you fall of the cliff:Still breathtaking, even with the bad weather.There are (I think) seven Apostles left, because they keep collapsing over time.

After Twelve Apostles, we made stops at both Lorne and Apollo Bay.

I even jumped in the water at Apollo Bay, despite the freezing temperatures of the water. Yep, people were looking at us like we were crazy people.

My chauffer road trip buddy at Lorne:

Fast forward to one of my last days in Melbourne, someone else happened to be making their journey to Fed Square as well.

The city and its people went absolutely nuts. The news station were covering her every move and updating people about “Oprah watch”

They put up special flags, signs, and even painted the trams with her face and a big “Welcome to Melbourne” greeting for her.

Fed Square ended up accumulating about the same number of people that they would get for New Years Eve for 20 minutes of Oprah speaking.I didn’t wait around for six hours to see her though. Instead I opted to hang around the lawn of the State Library, where you’d usually find throngs of Uni students or people on their lunch breaks when the weather is nice.

Well, kiddos, that’s it for now. Australia wrap-up is complete.

I will now progress from travel to food!

Thanks for bearing with me there. I hope you enjoyed the ride just as much as I did.




One Response to “Touristy? I Think Not.”

  1. Bonnie December 27, 2010 at 10:53 pm #

    Beautiful country. Way cool.

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