Archive | 10:58 pm


4 Apr


The past week has been busy, busy, busy.

Mostly consumed with sport.

I’ve had a lot of trainings and played a lot of games in the past 6 days so I’ll take you through all of the highlights

Queen’s chicks hockey team obliterated the competition to charge our way to the Grand Final.

Meanwhile, I am averaging at least one soccer training or one hockey game, if not both, daily.

Two days before the grand final I realized that what I was feeling in my quads probably wasn’t a muscle strain but just heaps of knots.

And I was only aggravating it more with all of the practice. Soccer really puts a different strain on your muscles than hockey does.

After the Hockey Grand Final I had two more soccer games on the following days.

I knew the onnly way I could perform my best was to get a deep tissue sports massage.

It was only a half hour but was the best decision of my life.

I was way more knotted up than I thought and my ankles were really out of whack. I was told to solve that problem my wearing an ankle brace when I play.

The sports massage was more on the painful side then it was relaxing, but I felt so much better after the fact.

I’m much more flexible and have a full range of motion.

Despite this and a tough battle, Queens lost a heartbreaker and came out 2nd.

It was such a great season that I’m sad is over. I’ll miss hockey but at least there are other outlets to get competitive!

On a brighter note. We have won our past two soccer games 5-0 and I am quad-tastic.

No injuries to report!

Quarterfinals aren’t until next Tuesday and we’ll only have a few trainings before then. It’s kind of comforting ot only have worry about one sport instead of two simultaneously.


Now that I’m injury free maybe some food/event related posting are in order?

Mmm, I think yes.


Have you ever had a sports massage?

Have you ever had an injury sideline you?

