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Soccer, Step, and Skimping on Sleep

14 Apr

Thought I’d get this post off on Wednesday but time has yet again slipped away from me and it is just another pictureless post of updates. I handed an assignment in yesterday so my weekend is prepped for my photo taking abilities. 🙂

Sporting News: So semifinals were a nail biter. The game went unscored on both ends and had to be determined in double overtime. We thought it was going to go to penalty kicks, but an amazing and unsaveable shot ended our season.

We are still playing for a 3rd place spot tomorrow morning though.

Update: We won the game to officially grab 3rd place

Rowing tryouts begin on the following day as well.

Each sport seems to roll right into the other. I still have all of my sporting tape and ankle braces from other sports thankfully. Very wise investments indeed.

I don’t think rowing will be quite as harsh on my body, though intense. It is more about endurance.

I still waver back and forth about rowing everyday. But I think I am just going to try out and see how I feel.

Besides rowing training, I am also participating in the Revue this weekend. The revue is a fancier soiree, so basically like an upscale talent show.

I’m choreographing (meaning teaching others what I remember being taught) a step routine.

Think: Stomp the Yard

Yeah, that.

I did it in grade 9 but still can remember all of the beats and rhythms. Funny how your body can remember things better than your brain can.

Job News:

Remember way back when, when I told you about this amazing job opportunity I had in Melbourne?

Well, I have heard back and due to the fact that I have a student visa, I can only be offered a weeks worth of work.

Which I am absolutely ecstatic about!

Even a one-week internship with this company is a hard one to nab. And I feel like this may have the potential to help me develop my relationship with them.

Not to mention all of the valuable things I will learn by being exactly where I want in the advertising industry.

I also have a meeting with another company, not about a potential job, but just to discuss general things in the industry.

Oh, and I’m still skimping on sleep and making up for it with naps. Many, many naps.

Have a great weekend!
