Turny and Rotating Thingo

19 Sep

Hello Beautiful Creatures.

Big news. I HAVE INTERNET and oh, what a glorious feeling it is!

Funny how you don’t realize how much you depend on something until it is taken away from you.

Now that I’m settling into the new house, the new job, and the new quarter of school.

Well actually, life is not slowing down at any point and I am just going to have to try my best to keep it up with it.

Good thing I love being busy :).

What have I been up to in the meantime?

Orientation week leading and the first week of classes, so lots of grab-n-go (or buy-from-whole-foods-n-go)

Salad: Rocket and Spinach mix, peppers, onion, mushrooms,Hatch-a-mole

Hatch-a-mole is guacamole with hatch chiles mixed in. I saw Whole Foods roasting their hatch chiles (local from CO) in the morning in some giant contraption.

You don’t want me to describe this contraption because I will use words like “turny”and “rotating thingo”.

The hatch-a-mole was so good I promptly returned and bought a container of hatch chiles.

 Also spotted:

I noticed a bunch of chia-filled drinks on the shelf (Synergy included)

I love chia, so I figured this could be a cool concept.

It was really interesting and different.

Then the novelty wore off and I realized this tasted to slimy, like I was swallowing a drink filled with bugs.

Not for me.

I’ll be back soon with all sorts of eats.


3 Responses to “Turny and Rotating Thingo”

  1. Meagan September 21, 2011 at 10:21 pm #

    Hi, Casey! Hope you enjoy the microwave as much as I’m laughing with your blog!

    I heart Chia…only I take mine in green smoothies…and only about 1T to about 20oz of smoothie. That drink looks like it could really wreak some havoc on one’s “regularity”! Haha!

    Take care!

    • Casey September 22, 2011 at 7:15 pm #

      The housemate is thrilled with the new microwave.
      I love sneaking chia into my meals too, just maybe not this many in one drink! Such a small world that you have a food blog too! I will definitely be keeping up 🙂


  1. We’re Drinkin’ « Insatiably Healthy - October 25, 2011

    […] little while back I tried MamaChia and was not […]

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