Technical Difficulties

3 Oct

Apologies for the lack of post today.

As I sat down to write a new post whilst watching my beloved Ravens embarrass the Jets on national television, I fought every urge to curse at my computer.

WordPress was not only forbidding me from uploading photos, but it was teasing me by letting me browse my iPhoto, but when I would hover my mouse over a picture it would close out.

My computer has been closing out of everything lately. Even erasing an hours worth of notes. Gag.

But I’m determined to not have to get a new one until I graduated.

Enough complaining though. Since I can’t post pictured os tasty treats I’ll tell you about me weekend.

Devo though, because I had some awesome Vegan Banana Walnut Donuts with Cream Cheese Frosting to share with you. Le Sigh.

My weekend was rather fun actually. My cousin, who just moved to Fort Collins, surprised me in Denver over the weekend. 

I’ve started doing a weekly 5 mile run. A very slow run, but were going for endurance here.

I got a bunch of groceries so I have a few recipe in store for this week. Also made some failed fig bars, which half of ended up in the trash.

I got some major errands done, including finding a duvet for my room!

I’ve been fooling around with my camera due to inspiration from Ashley latest photography 101 posting which have lit the fire under my ass.

But first I’m trying to figure out this odd lighting in my house and determining which is the best window for natural light.

And…. I finally bought those wax ear plugs so I can enjoy actually sleeping on said duvet.

My solution! So far it is much better than any other ear plug I’ve used. A little weird putting in at first (it felt like my ears were popped)

You heard it here folks, if Mack’s can silence Freshman on a Thursday night. It can silence anything.

And on this massive rambling note, I’m off to bed.



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