A Smashing Good Time

6 Oct

The photo uploading situation has yet to be figured out so in the mean time I’m just uploading the entire album.

A bit taxing, but hey…it works!

So here’s a little glimpse at my daily breakfast.

Smashed Avocado on Seven Grain bread with S&P, and Old Bay

Can you tell I’m from Maryland?

Sometimes I’m not a creature of variety. If it’s not broken don’t fix it!

Smashed avocado is so easy to make, grab’n’go in the morning. And the healthy fats keep me full for a while.

Plus its brain food too!Short and sweet post, so here’s a preview for tomorrow:

Vegan Stuffed Peppers!

What’s your go to brekkie?



3 Responses to “A Smashing Good Time”

  1. Hannah October 6, 2011 at 2:15 am #

    Oatbran with nut butter and chocolate. Or just chocolate. 😛

    P.S. A blog friend of my mum’s sent her some Old Bay. All I could think, when I tasted it, was “saaaaaaalty!!!!!”

    • Casey October 8, 2011 at 8:33 am #

      Girl, if you are ever in Baltimore we are eating crabs covered in old bay 😀

      • Hannah October 8, 2011 at 7:36 pm #

        Oh my gosh yes! Crabs (and lobsters) are another thing (like berries) that are always ridiculously expensive in Australia, so I’ve never had them fresh and amazing like you guys get to!

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