Short and Sweet

11 Oct


So remember that photo uploading problem I was having before?

It’s ba-ack

If I was remotely good at coding, I would have my own website in a heartbeat.

Instead I have left overs.

Remember those Stuffed Peppers? The extra stuffing turned into a delicious topping for a salad over the weekend.

Topped with a dollop of greek yogurt.

Discovery : Vegemite toasties are even better when its super toasty.

It was so good I had to take a bite before I snapped a photo.

Mmm, want some?

Vegemite toastie: Half of an Ozery Bakery “One Bun” (a Wholf find) a schmear of vegemite and swiss cheese

Short and sweet today.

I’m overworked and underpaid. Love work, not so much on the school part.

But what do you expect when you intern at a nut butter company?

I’ve been working on scaling down my commitments, but a busy me is a happy me. Just maybe minus the textbooks and excel-a-thon that seems to be going on in all of my marketing classes.

Side note to the vegans: seriously if you haven’t gotten onto to these dark chocolate vegan peanut butter cups than we have a problem.

Previews of some up and coming recipes this week:

Plus a few granola bar recipes and donut recipes that will appear next week as I am finalizing a few details.

Hint: a new donut and granola bar recipe that mimic the flavors of an iconic Australian lolly

Do you like being busy?

Do you miss college? Or if you’re in school are you counting down the days till you’re done?
Does anyone else have senioritis this early in the year?
Okay I’ll hault the interview for now. Happy Tuesday!

2 Responses to “Short and Sweet”

  1. Hannah October 11, 2011 at 8:08 pm #

    Ohmygosh! You’ve taken Tiger Toast and turned it into Dalmation Toast!! 😛

    • Casey October 11, 2011 at 8:30 pm #

      I had no idea it was called Tiger Toast. Kind of sounds like something Charlie Sheen would eat. I like the ring of “Dalmation Toast” new name!

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