
13 Oct

I started Juicing this past weekend.

No I haven’t started taking steroids, but  was making some green juice.

My housemate brought a super swifty juicer to the table when we moved in. I was very excited to test it out. I ran to the store and got a bunch of goodies.

  • Celery, spinach, apples, oranges, and ginger!

I couldn’t figure out what to catch it in so I just used a (much too large) tupperware container.

Then in the theme of using odd containers, opted to use a shot glass for glamour shots.

It is a very attractive shot glass though.

It looks very fluro, but it kinds of was!

The verdict: absolutely delicious, but honestly it was a pain in the butt to clean up soo many part for a few glasses of juice. 
I think I’d rather pay the five bucks to buy a just as good fresh squeezed juice in the store. A blender may be easier to clean, but this juicer business is not for me. Glad I got to try one out before purchasing!
Now what to do with all of that pulp…..
Juicing: home-made, store bought, or juice bar bought?

2 Responses to “Juicing”

  1. Kate (What Kate is Cooking) October 13, 2011 at 9:07 pm #

    I’ve never made or bought my own juice before! I would love to make my own, but I would never want to clean the juicer after. What a pain in the ass!

    • Casey October 17, 2011 at 11:38 am #

      Yep, the cleaning aspect is reason enough to shell out five bucks for the fresh stuff. Definitely hit up a juice bar, great cure to hose “meh” days

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