Take That Egg McMuffin

14 Oct

The power breakfast.

Not for the weak at stomach.

So…I ran out of avocado. But through a lack of stocked fridge comes innovation! And perhaps a new brekkie staple.

This kept me full and energized for hours.

I love waking up hungry in the morning and this is the perfect reward.

One Bun, Sunnyside up egg, one slice of Fakin Bacon.

I fried the egg in the pan and the bun and fakin bacon went in the toaster.

The yolk ran everywhere when I sliced it in half but I just used it as dipping sauce for the sandwich.

I’ve been digging the sunny side up deal of late. Probably an outcome of my morning multi-tasking. Sunny-side up requires minimal “watch time”

Take that Egg McMuffin!



One Response to “Take That Egg McMuffin”


  1. Detox: a Recap « Insatiably Healthy - February 2, 2012

    […] Just for fun: Obsessions of late are Kale, Nooch, Mango Kombucha, raw mushrooms,Vanilla Cream Oats  , Justin’s Vanilla Almond Butter  and of course the classics of Avocado, Quinoa, and egg sammies […]

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