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Heirloom Tomato Toastie

19 Oct


So the week is half done and half of my sanity is subsequently gone. My body was really achy this morning from a combo of lack of sleep and stress (just guestimating here) Come Thursday I’m going to try to give myself some TLC. I’m not one of those people that can function on little sleep. I can’t pull all nighters.

Give me 8 hours and I’m golden.

Speaking of golden…tomatoes!  (awful segway – I’m realizing I’ve definitely inherited my fathers corny jokes)

Inspired by my awesome find of heirloom tomatoes at the farmers market. (You can eat these things like apples!)

Toastie: Seven Grain Bread, Vegemite, Swiss, Heirloom Tomatoes

First I toasted the bread coz I like it super crunchy.

Then I put a schmear of vegemite on the toast, sliced tomato, cheese and back in the toaster it went. Then topped it with pepper since the vegemite had enough saltiness to go around.

Nom nom nom. A fancier step up from the usual dalmation toast

Then it was off to the raw foods class. Theme : Mexican!
The class was super fun and informative. I learned a lot I did not know about raw foods and now it has me very excited to start using my new dehydrator. New meaning, awesome craigslist find for $30.
I’ll post a recap tomorrow (unless things get in the way. life can be crazy!)
With time to spare since my project was pushed back till Tuesday 🙂 I prepped my lunch for the next day so I could get 5 more glorious minutes of sleep time in the morning.

This is a combo I’ve been enjoying for weeks but have been holding out on you. 😉

The secret: greek yogurt and stone ground mustard.

The breakdown: tortilla, Fage, mustard, TofRoast (aka Tofurkey roast beef) laughing cow blue cheese, onion, spinach

Bam, great flavor combo. I like the blue cheese coz it goes well with the roast beef, but I’ve omitted it before. 

Favorite condiment(s) on sandwiches. Hit me! 

I love them all too much to choose, Vegemite, Bone Suckin’ Mustard Sauce, Horseradish Mayo are tops

