A Little Present for me to Demolish

24 Oct

I had heard about Larkburger from a few Coloradans. (There are locations in Denver and Boulder so I’ve heard it from all ends)

Finally Friday at work I could put the taste to the test.

I was surprised by two things when I walked in the door:

  • The decor was fabulous. Clean, green design.
  • It was packed! Like Chipotle packed. Clearly this place is not a secret and is doing crazy well.

Yeah, Baby!

I ordered the portobello mushroom and onion burger (except no burger coz that’s what the portobello is for!

This was actually the only vego item on the menu (there was a fish burger for the pescatarians) But I could definitely be content eating this variety every time.

The burger was wrapped up and packaged in this biodegradable box! How cute, it was like a little present for me to demolish.

Upon opening: looks like a boutique burger. I feel eco-chic

Ooh the glamour shots. The bun was workin’ for the camera.Okay enough of this tease, let’s dig in

Fan-freaking-tastic. I cannot replicate portobello mushrooms as succulent as this one. There was also some hidden secret sauce in there that was oh-so-delicate to compliment the shroom but not over power it.

The bun was perfectly yeasty to my liking. The burger was just the right size, not too big where you make a big mess (you know what I’m talking about – like eating a burrito on a date?)

What’s your idea of the worst “date food”
It’s often over looked but salad: there is no classy way to eat this without resulting with a leaf sticking out of your mouth.



2 Responses to “A Little Present for me to Demolish”

  1. KatsHealthCorner October 25, 2011 at 10:44 am #

    Spaghetti — it gets all over you! 🙂

    I am diggin’ that portobello mushroom burger!

    • Casey October 27, 2011 at 8:39 pm #

      So true! Slurpage 🙂

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