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Behold the Tuna Melt

28 Oct

I’ve been inspired by these heirloom tomatoes and I want to involve every meal around them. Good thing the farmers market is coming up again on Sunday. (The last one of the season though 😦 )

Behold the tuna melt:

  • Seven Grain bread
  • Heirloom tomatoes
  • Swiss Cheese
  • Tuna
  • S&P
  • A bit of stone ground mustard

I always toast the bread first, then assemble the sandwich and heat it until its nice and melty.

I’m so excited for the weekend. Between the snow and the endless amounts of assignments this week I’m finally in the clear. No more 5 projects/test/papers on the same day. Hullllo November!

I’ll finally have time to get cookin’ on some recipes I put on the back-burner (I’m so full of puns today, eh?)

Hopefully this weekend I will get to some Salted Maple Vegan Rice Krispies, finalizing my homemade granola bars (which has been a looong yet tasty process) and a special Tofu and Tempeh Mole.

That should be enough to get me started!

