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His and Hers Nacho’s

4 Jan

The first day of school is already behind me. Pretty excited to take a lighter load of classes and internship, plus my classes seem fun! Nice way to start off my last quarter of school.

I’ll take a dip into the past, since I was late in the game with posting some meals made around the holidays.

To follow up the his and hers grilled cheeses, I present you with His and Hers Nachos

Not only is mexican food the easiest to make vegan, but its makes a great “throw whatever you have in the fridge/pantry” meal

His: Blue Corn Tortilla Chips, Salsa, Meat of Choice (in this case sausage), Cheese, Fage (as sour cream)

Gobbled up in seconds by the boys of the family.

My G-Free and Vegan version was first inspired by a new supermarket find, that was all to adorable.

I was sold by the packaging.

“Politely Hot”

I love it. At least it has manners.

I cooked it in a bit of Jalapeno Oil, added some seasoning and voila. My Dad even raved it was the best meal I made him when I put it in a burrito for him.

Even the meatiest of meat eaters can eat delicious vego food.

Hers: Beanitos Black Bean Chips, Avocado, Salsa, Daiya Cheese, Soy Crumbles, Fage

The other great thing about Mexican food?

Rinsing and Repeating.

All Mexican food is the same, just wrapped in a different form of corn (Nacho chips, tortillas, taco shells, enchiladas….etc…)

I made my own version of Huevos Rancheros the following morning

In the mix: Tortillas, Spinach, Onion, Cheese, Black Bean Dip, Eggs, and a Mango Hot Sauce we bought at a restaurant called Coconut Jacks.

Hey Mikey! He Likes it!

Favorite Vessel for Mexican Food?              Nachos all the way for me 🙂

