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The Sweeter Side of Chickpeas

10 Jan

Yesterday you saw the Savory crepe/tortilla/pizza today is the sweet crepe/tortilla/pizza

Starting with a Recipe for

Banana Maple Walnut Chickpea Crepes.

Same water to chickpea flour ratio of 1:1

But then I add 1 T of Maple Syrup (or Honey if you prefer)

Then it gets fun…

Banana filling, meet yogurt.

I think you’re gonna get along just fine.

I mixed about 1/2 a Tablespoon in with some yogurt.

I love buying plain yogurt and mixing in my own sweeteners like jams and syrups. Right when I saw this tart filling in my parents fridge I knew that was what I wanted to do with it.

It made it just sweet enough without being that overpowering.

I spread the yogurt/banana mixture on top of the spongey chickpea crepe

Topped it with Sliced Banana, Walnuts, and cinnamon.

This is probably one of my favorite creations to date.

It’s so delicately perfect.

