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Hapa Sushi

13 Jan

I’m glad I was all gung-ho the first week of January and did a bunch of two-a-day work outs and got a lot of errands out of the way. Cause the past week I’ve spend most of any free time I had sleeping.

I did find time to do a three minute plank in that Spin Class I was talking about last week. No idea that I was capable of that!

I squeezed in some fun things of course…

I always meet my old roommates from my first year at DU at the same restaurant: Hapa Sushi

We definitely go to the same place for a reason, it is one of the most interesting and delicious sushi places I’ve ever been to.

And I’m definitely guilty of more or less ordering the same thing every time.

The Magic Mushrooms are probably my favorite thing on the menu

“Avocado wrapped in salmon topped with Japanese aoli and sweet soy”

The texture is so incredible, its very moist/tender in the middle

Taro Tuna Poke with Yuzu sour cream

The Taro Cake is on the bottom and delivers a nice crunch to contrast the smooth textures from the tuna and seaweed

Hapa also has a ton of oddball sushi rolls on the menu too. Guess I gotta keep going back if I want to make my way through it.

