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14 Jan

Totes forgot to post pictures of the beautiful snow that crept into Denver the other day. It’s gonna be 60 by tomorrow so better post this before I look like a complete laggard.

I often refer to Colorado snow as “fluffy”

Some call it powder but I think fluffy sums it up much better.

Has anyone out there seen Despicable Me?  “ITS SO FLUFFY I COULD DIE”

I love Colorado snow so much more than that grey slush they call snow back on the east coast.

I tried a few time to blow the snow and capture a picture of how easy it all blows away like a dandelion, but I was too late every time I clicked. Then I got cold and gave up.

Question: Is it snowing where you are? Whats your snow like?

PS GO BRONCOS….again but more importantly GO RAVENS

