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Spaghetti and Buttah

16 Jan

This one is dedicated to my brother, Andrew, who exhibited some of the most bizarre eating patterns as a child (and continues some of those now……ahem, apple juice)

We used to be a great team for take out food. He would eat the pizza crust and I would take the cheese. Though I’ll never understand his hatred for peanuts yet love for Reese’s peanut butter cups. Thankfully I switched him over to Justin’s peanut butter cups since then!

Though some of his food habits are inspiring my meal creations today.

Andrew also loved plain pasta with butter and salt.

That’s how I came up with my next side dish. Say hello to its gluten free and vegan cousin….

Spaghetti Squash with Earth Balance Butter, S&P

Simple and delicious.

If you haven’t abandoned regular butter for Earth Balance butter yet (whether you’re veg or not)

DO IT. All the cool kids are.

Seriously, meat eaters everywhere think earth balance is better.

I’ve also been putting Angela’s pumpkin mac n cheeze sauce on virtually everything. veggies, in chickpea crepes, pizza, and also as a sauce for the above spaghetti squash creation

Also in an effort to make sure I’m getting I’ll my B vitamins I’ve been adding nooch to things like its my job. This sauce is a sure-fire way to make sure I’ve reached my daily goal.

