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January Foodie Finds

17 Jan

Today, I bring to you a few new foodie finds.

Because when we scour the grocery store shelves, aren’t we always looking for that new find?

This sunflower seed milk has been popping up everywhere.

It comes in Vanilla, Original, and Unsweetened.

I’ve had both the unsweetened and original and they are both equally good. Definitely more nutty than almond milk too.

Until I muster up whatever it is I need to make my own sunflower seed milk, this is an easy (and not too expensive) buy.

I also went to go pick up some Omega 3, 6, 9 since living in this dry Colorado weather is not all too kind to my scalp, skin, and nails.

A Whole Food’s employee suggested I try this as she uses it everyday:

Since it’s a liquid it is absorbed easier by the body. It also comes in a wide variety of flavors.

I chose the mango peach because it also had some added Vitamin D in there. There’s over 40 serving in a bottle so it definitely last a long time.

I’ve been mixing it into milk, putting it in my yogurt and muesli (definitely the BEST) and adding it atop of baked goods. The taste is great and I’m eyeing some of the other flavors (orange cream and chocolate raspberry!) once I’m done with this bottle.

The last foodie find of the day was found on my doorstep!

The lovely people of Beanfields sent some bean chips my way and I was all too excited.

Here’s a teaser.

I alreayd have a few recipes and nacho ideas dancing around in my head.

Expect a review of all of the varieties of Beanfield’s chips this week

Question: Do you take a supplement to get your Omega’s? Anything you’re dying to see me create with these chips?

