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Beanfield’s Bean Chip Review

18 Jan

The lovely people of Beanfields sent me some samples of all four flavors of their bean and rice chips.

I was super excited to try them all out as I’ve been having an affinity for bean based chips lately. I feel like everything is made out of corn and its refreshing to see a few companies coming out with some other product of equal and better quality.

The ingredient list of all of them is very simple.

Black Beans, Navy Beans, Long Grain Rice, Safflower or Sunflower Oil. plus whatever seasoning are used for each individual product.

Every serving has 4 grams of fiber and 4 grams of protein.

Hubba hubba.

The line up:

Pico de Gallo, Unsalted, Sea Salt, Sea Salt & Pepper

My roommate, Addie, partook in the eating and reviewing with me too.

First up, Pico De Gallo

This one was super fragrant right when I opened the bag.

Right of the bat we are both wowed by the texture. All of Beanfields product have this incredible texture. The chips are hearty yet smooth, like their coated or something.

Addy described it as “nutty.” I’m still trying to put my finger on it,

Right when I bit into the pico de gallo flavor I was hit with intense flavors of black beans and a bit of chili powder. It tasted like a mexican fiesta in my mouth.

Hands down both Addie and I agreed this was the best flavor and our favorite. Great chip for regular snacking.

This flavor is also unique too, I don’t think there a chip flavor quite like it of the natural variety.

Next up was Unsalted.

This is a great option for those watching sodium intake.

This chip is best for nachos and dips since its not as flavored.

I’m a huge salt fan and a huge spice fan, so this one wasn’t up my alley for daily snackage but I’m going to try my hand at it with some nacho recipes this week.

Sea Salt: Addie liked this one because it got saltier as she ate it and she wasnt overwhelmed by the salt taste.

At only 140mg of sodium per serving its definitely winning over all those nutritional stat followers.

I might use this one for dip/sauce too. Or in Migas 🙂 Though I am munching on this one as I type.

Sea Salt & Pepper: This one was loaded with pepper which meant it had me reaching back for more. I’m a big pepper fan and this chip did all the right things.

Addie noted there was definitely a kick at the end with all that pepper.

I’d eat these on their own or with salsa.

Yo Beanfields, is Salt n Peppa trademarked? Because it would make a fabulous name for this chip with a little kick.

My final verdict: The Pico De Gallo and Pepper flavors were total winners and deserve to occupy pantry space on a regular basis. The other two are more meal-ready and I’d use those for nacho recipes or with dips.

The texture was by far reason enough to purchase these. Flavor is a great thing, but I think I’m truly won over by great texture, and these chips were spot on.

Question: Which chip flavor looks best to you? What wins you over more texture or flavor?

