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A Foodie’s Dream Come True

20 Jan

ATTENTION ALL COLORADANS: I have two bits of exciting news

Firstly: I’ll be demoing the Justin’s Vanilla Almond Butter this Saturday at Cherry Creek Whole Foods from 4-7 so come grab a taste!

Also. This just in: Denver is getting Trader Joes in April!!!!!!!!! I just peed my pants a little.

My foodie dream has come true and now that cult following will continue. Mountain style.

Rumor has it that there will be THREE locations in Colorado. woofrickinhoo

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming…

After Spin Class today I was only craving something refreshing and nutritious. Because after that beatdown of a workout, you really get in tune with your body.

Inspired by the kombucha mojitos I made a month back, with a little twist

  • Lime Flavored Sparkling Water
  • Strawberry Kombucha
  • Mint
  • A few spritzes of Lime Juice

I must’ve accidentally shaken the kombucha because it would not stop fizzing.

Ahhh. This may start being my post-workout bevvie of choice 🙂

Question: What do you drink/eat after a workout?

