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23 Jan

So lets not talk about that Raven’s game from yesterday mmkay? My boys played a good, clean game and its heartbreaking to watch them go out that way.

I digress…

I don’t know whats gotten into me lately but for some reason I’ve been tackling my new years resolutions like its my job. I usually make long-term goals so its crazy thinking I’ve already ticked some off and its only a few weeks into January.

I had a few blog goals and one of them was that I wanted to finally make my own bread.

I took a stab at this sprouted bread recipe I’ve had earmarked from lordknowswhere.

I started the process a few days before baking by soaking a mixture of wheatberries, speltberries, chickpea, and lentils for a day then draining it and letting it sit two more days.

and blended

I added a bunch of sunflower seeds and pepitas in the mixture and on top too once it was time for baking.

The bread was very dense and I expected the worst. But it was actually really good! Very hearty and seedy, just the way I like it.

This particular recipe was definitely a hassle. It took a long time and made a mess of the kitchen. Though I think this is due to the fact that I have a small/old food processor . I’ve been wanted to get the ninja (super cheap and highly rated find at Target or Bed Bath btw!!)

I think that baby would make this breadwinner a lot easier to make and would result in a bit of a fluffier bread, since I was mostly beating the dough by hand.

Bread makes biceps.

The better news? This sprouted bread tasted even better the next day.

Day-old bread never sounded so good!

Toasted with a schmear of Earth Balance Butter

This is my new favorite brekkie.

For my first crack at homemade bread, I am very optimistic and will try my hand at many bread recipes in the future.

Plus, nothing. and I mean nothing. beats the smell of yeast as bread bakes. gahhhhhh

Question: Any good bread recipes out there for me?

