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Hot Soggy Weetbix

25 Jan

For some reason American Weetbix is just not the same as Australia Weetbix. First, it’s kind of rounded. Also it’s not as dense.

But hey, I’m happy to have some version of it in the states. I’ll take what I can get. 🙂

This one aint pretty, but it warmed my soul after my cold walk back from spin class.

After one long night out in Melbourne and a quick visit to the late meals room, I learned what can be better than soggy Weetbix in milk. HOT soggy Weetbix in milk.

Start off the normal was and add some milk to the weetbix. I was just having a little snack but if you’re looking for something more filling up it to two weetbix at the least.

With an appearance by Almond Breeze’s new Almond Coconut milk

(For the record: I was unimpressed by this milk on its own. Definitely sticking with Whole Foods brand unsweetened almond milk!)

Put it in the microwave until it just begins to bubble.

Then add any jam, syrup, or sweetener you’d like if any.

Jam of choice was Crofter’s Asia Flavor

