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5 Mar

Lately, I’ve been all about layers.

The top layer was what I was really excited about though.

Some of the Soyrizo from the Denver Seitan Company

Doesn’t look all to fancy but the taste and texture is amahzing.

Layer Uno : sawwce

I like to add spinach or other greens on the bottom layer of a pizza because it shrinks as it cooks

Onion and Mushroom Layer

Daiya Cheese is always on top so I can taste the gooey deliciousness in every bite. Plus is doesn’t get as messy when cutting it.

Then the soyrizo seitan which I quickly sauteed on a skillet beforehand.

Post Oven Lovin’

Happy Monday!

And in case you have the Monday blue’s here a picture to cheer you up.

I spotted this hilarity in the cake display at Whole Foods

It’s not even Mo’vember, but I’ll take it!
