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Spicy Old Bay Pita Crisps

7 Mar

Aside from my Beanfield beauties and some occasional popcorn indiana chips, I don’t really house the crispy little fritters in my house.

I was craving something a bit spicy when I needed a carb but wasn’t all to hungry or inventive when it came up with creating an elaborate snack.

Behold the easy version of home made pita style chips. Bawllmer-style (That’s Baltimore style for those who don’t speak my accent)

I slathered a tortilla with this oil mix.

Easy peasy: walnut oil, old bay, cayenne.

Popped em in the toaster oven under 350 until they began to brown.

Nice and crisp with just the right touch of spice. For those of you who don’t have the pleasure of knowing Old Bay. Get acquainted, real fast. It is great on everything, namely crab, french fries, soup, and now pita crisps.

It’s not overtly spicy at all but it gets the job done.

Question: Have you ever tried Old Bay?



P.S. I haven’t forgotten about the Lavendar donut recipe. It comes on Friday