Archive | 12:00 am

Strawberries and Cream French Toast (v)

12 Mar

What a glorious weekend it was. Springtime has officially arrived in Denver and its only looking up form here. Straight 70’s the whole week!. Have we just skipped springtime and gone straight to summer. I always joke Denver has two seasons: Winter and Summer.

I have also emerging like the spring flowers from the ground. I’ve handed in all my final papers and only have two presentations left on Tuesday until its diploma time. I feel like the shackles have been taken away from my feet.

I’m still working so its not like I have heaps of free time but there are no more papers, tests, or group projects hanging over my head which is a glorious, glorious thing.

Yesterday morning I went to make my usual weekend breakfast of avocado toastie and was saddened to find I’d run myself dry of avocado.

As I always say the most creative things come out of pressure.

I took advantage of the extra morning time I have on weekends and made an old favorite but updated…and better. And its vegan. Boo-yah

Ever since I snuck vanilla creamer into my oats, I cannot be stopped.

New obsession with this product, and this brand in general.

Strawberries and Cream Flaxy French Toast (v)

  • 1.5 T Flaxmeal
  • 1/3 c Almond Milk
  • 1/2 t almond extract (optional)
  • 2 slices of bread (thick, sturdy bread words best)
  • Strawberries
  • 1 T Vanilla Creamer (Use So Delicious to keep it vegan)
  1. Combine flaxmeal, milk of choice, and almond extract (optional)
  2. Soak each side of the bread in the flax/milk mixture
  3. Cook on a greased pan flipping every so often (you will have to flip and cook each side about 2-3 times) it takes a bit longer than regular french toast but so worth it!
  4. Slice strawberries and warm in the microwave for 45 seconds~ till a slight sauce is formed beneath them (if you are using defrosted strawberries you can skip this step)
  5. Combine vanilla creamer with the strawberries mixture and pour over french toast
  6. Savor and Enjoy!

Letting it marinate in the flax/milk mixture. Has anyone seen Kissing Jessica Stein? Now I’m going to think of that movie when I use the word “marinate”

Gettin’ crispy.


Gettin’ saucy.

Future husband: you have this to look forward to.

