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Where’s the Nostalgia?

14 Mar

Who has two thumbs and a BSBA?

This girl does.

Undergraduate is officially behind me and I have a BSBA in Marketing with a minor in Sustainability to put under my belt. Though I’m technically a graduate I don’t actually walk until June. But I’m not about to let rain on my parade.

Nothing fields to odd or nostalgic except for when I walked out of my final class ever. I think it’s just weird to know I will never be in that setting again. Confines between classroom walls for two hours that is.

No time yet to completely enjoy and let this graduation moment sink in. Back to work and then a slew of interviews in the coming weeks.

I’ve been kind hanging out at coffee shops and bookstores lately. Call me a hipster but it’s becoming my jam.

Here’s what I have found time to eat:

Buffalo Seitan from Nomadic Garden

Sorry, Watercourse foods, but this is way better than yours.

And it’s not fried.

I cannot wait to go back to Neat Market this weekend and pick up another bucketload of seitan and other goodies.

Denver Seitan Company Soyrizo Tortilla Pizza

Daiya, tomato, tomato sauce, arugala.

Can we talk about how I am excited for Daiya new cheese wedges and all of the other new products that debuted at Expo West this weekend. Lots of great stuff coming out of the natural foods industry. And I’m determined to sample it all one meal at a time.

