Archive | 12:00 am

Tuna, Apple, Nooch Trio

15 Mar

Another 70 degree day here in Denver.

I enjoyed my lunch outside for a change.

Not sure how I came up with this combo, but I’m pretty sure it started with  me wanting apples in my salad.

Kale Arugula mix, chopped Fuji apple, Nooch, Apple Cider Vinegar, Onion, Tuna, Mustard, Balsamic.

I mixed some tuna up with mustard and S&P before adding it to the salad.

Tuna, Nooch, and Chopped Apple are a trio made in heaven and will definitely be used again, maybe on a toastie 😀

I’m getting a bit sick so I need to hit the sack early. I just popped a nighttime akla seltzer cold medicine thing my roommate gave me and its starting to kick in!

