Sneak Preview

16 Mar

I’m still pretty darn sick. So no appetite really to speak of. Except for an appetite for Emergen-C, oranges, tea, and pills. I’m just eating so I can have enough energy at the moment.

Actually this morning I was alternating between a latte, water, and hot water with lemon.

Call me an old fogie but I’ve been enjoying the hot water with lemon thing alot. This was my first time really picking up coffee in a while. Sometimes I just want something hot in the morning and there is nothing better than water with lemon.

But I’m not going to leave you hanging without something to tantalize your tastebuds.

A big ol’ box of Justin’s Candy Bars. You know what that means….it’s demo time baby.

(I was channeling my inner Dick Vitale for that one, in honor of the Big Dance)

Sold at a Whole Foods near you.

Unless you live in Florida, in which case you need to march your but to Whole Foods and demand them!

Even in poor lighting they look mighty tasty. Expect a full review early next week. And some better quality photos of course.

I love you too candy bars.

Have a great St. Paddy’s Day! I’m hoping I’m well enough by Saturday to enjoy some green beer 🙂



4 Responses to “Sneak Preview”

  1. Kari @ bite-sized thoughts March 16, 2012 at 1:20 am #

    I hope you feel better soon! And those bars look amazing…mmm.

    • Casey March 16, 2012 at 7:55 pm #

      Thanks! I just discovered some amazing medicine that is working wonders

  2. Hannah March 16, 2012 at 7:59 pm #

    Feel better soon!! I think I could face anything with those chocolate bars at hand 🙂

  3. Lisa Marie March 17, 2012 at 2:01 pm #

    Those candy bars look dangerously good! Also, I hope you feel better. I just got over the flu myself. Not a nice feeling. 😦

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