Justin’s Candy Bars

19 Mar

If you are familiar with Snickers you’ll be able to recognize the unique balance of all those flavors and textures of the nuts, chocolate, and nougat. The kicker is – this is about 1,000 times better for you.

Justin’s Candy Bars come in three flavors

Milk Chocolate Peanut, Dark Chocolate Peanut, Milk Chocolate Almond

  • 25% less sugar
  • 50% more protein
  • 100% more fiber
  • Gluten-free
  • Organic, fair-trade chocolate
  • Delicious

Here’s a quick peak at the nutrition stats (this one is of the almond)

Just looking at the naked bar it looks pretty darn close to a Snickers bar.

The milk chocolate peanut is the one truest to a regular Snickers.

But of course its higher quality chocolate and general ingredients so Snickers doesn’t hold a candle.

These were just begging to be put in the freezer. I love frozen candy 🙂

The Almond really did it for me. I know Snickers has an “almond version” But Justin’s truly stood out.

I’m more of an almond lover myself which makes me a tad bias towards this flavor.

Nougaty goodness.

There’s something special about that dark chocolate peanut.

Right when I opened this one I was immediately hit by the aroma of dark chocolate.

The line-up from left to right: Milk Chocolate Almond, Dark Chocolate Peanut, Milk Chocolate Peanut

I’m not a huge candy bar fan so I don’t think I’ll ever opt to eat one of these whole in a single sitting. If you are a candy bar lover then your prayers have been answered. There really is nothing as good as these on the market right now. Just like the vegan dark chocolate peanut butter cups, these are a gamechanger.

I’d definitely chop them up into bite size pieces to top ice cream or yogurt. They’d be really good in a smoothie/milkshake too!

They retail for $1.99 a bar. You can find them all at Whole Foods nationwide (except for Florida) and they may expand to other natural food stores after their three month exclusivity to the Wholf.



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