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Mini Stuffed Vegan Peppers

20 Mar

Every so often when I go to the supermarket I buy the little tri-colored sweet peppers off of impulse.

I’m not sure why I keep doing this because I don’t really like their taste on their own.

I guess I’m just swayed by their adorable miniature-ness.

Well, the same thing happened again this weekend but this time I had a solution.

Mini stuffed sweet peppers (v)

  1. Slice peppers in half and place on a baking sheet
  2. Heat the soy crumble, onion, and a little bit of taco seasoning over a skillet on medium heat
  3. Once it was cooked through, combine with tomato sauce in a separate bowl.
  4. Stuff peppers and top a sprinkle of Daiya cheese
  5. Cook in oven at 350 for 10 minutes
  6. Top with spicy yogurt (optional)

Keeping with the mini theme, these pepper needed a mini oven. So I stuck them in the toaster oven.

Perfect little party poppers for the March Madness weekend.

For the spicy yogurt (a great spicy sour cream swap)

  • about 1/3 c Plain greek yogurt (I used Oikos)
  • ~1/2 t taco seasoning
  • dash of cayenne (or sriracha)

Super-Spicy addition of choice: Sriracha or Cayenne?

I’m all about the sriracha 🙂 (Whole Foods sells a true vegan/organic one too)

