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Neat Market part deux.

21 Mar

Over the weekend I went to Neat Market again. But I have to be honest, I’m still a bit on the sick/exhausted side, so it was a brief visit and I only took pictures when I got home.

Highlight of the market: Vegan Twinkie from Watercourse Bakery

How the hell can you make a Twinkie vegan? I suspected the filling was going to be a cashew cream but I was informed otherwise. The filling is vegetable based!

Since these are vegan and preservative free, they probably won’t outlast the zombie apocalypse. But I usually like that in a food. 🙂

The aroma was great I could smell strong notes of vanilla and cornmeal.

I don’t think I was ever a big snack cake fan, but my brother was the king of inhaling Little Debbies. And it’s always been a personal mission of mine to create a “healthier” version of them for him.

I think it was a cornmeal and almond meal base and I can’t even begin to fathom how the filling was made. Unlike a traditional Twinkie, this one was more focused on the cake side with a greater cake to filling ratio. I think I prefer that than one that is filling heavy. The vanilla cornmeal outer shell was so good I could’ve just eaten it on its own.

Though everything is more fun in a Twinkie shape.

We’ve seen cupcakes take the spotlight, then cake-pops, now donuts. Are log shaped treats the next big thing? Me thinks it should be!

Also picked up at the market:

Smoky Spicy Seitan from Denver Seitan Company. See my review of them here.

Purdy Packaging. It looks like a parcel 😉

Curry Kraut which I first had on a sandwich from the Vegan Van.

And surprise find of Teese vegan cheese! This baby was featured at Expo West and I thought I’d have to wait a long time before finding it in Colorado. And apparently Neat Market is the only vendor in Colorado selling these cheese alternative.

I picked out the nacho sauce flavor.

Daiya: I apologize, I know we have this long standing relationship, but I’m getting kind of flirty and want to see what else is out there.

Question: What vegan find looks the best to you?

