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Everyday I’m Travelin’

22 Mar

And what a busy day its been. I flew to Baltimore for literally less than 24 hours for a few doctors appointment and a few loose ends to tie up, and then I was off to Florida for some family time.

I figured if I’m going to be at an airport, I might as well make a little vacation out of it. A bit of a graduation celebration if you will.

What do I have to show from my short time in ol Bmore?

A poorly iPhone-shot photo of my lunch from Zia’s cafe. One of my favorite vegetarian friendly and mostly raw cafe in my hometown.

Mutli-grain Bread. Grilled Eggplant, Zucchini, Goat Cheese, Marinated Tofu, Sprouts, Greens.

Satisfied my growling stomach and then some.

Well I’m exhausted from all of this travel and time-change.


