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Avocado, Artichoke, Chick’n Salad

28 Mar

I was looking for a little something different to add to my salads.

The solution: I sautéed some forgotten frozen Faux Chick’n from my freezer. I just added some salt and pepper plus some maple seasoning while it was cooking.

Arugula, Artichokes, Avocado, Chick’n, Nooch, Balsamic

So much better with the chik’n. But I’m excited to restock my fridge and find more foodie inspiration.

I need to go finish off the 4th season of Mad Men. It has taken me a few months to watch all 4 seasons (yes that is literally the only show I’ve watched in that time and I’m starting to believe I, too, live in the 1960’s)

I’m even dressing with a little 1960’s flair. Utterly obsessed with that show.

I got really close to watching the premiere live, but I guess I’ll just have to get caught up before next week. Earmuffs until then!

