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Smoked Maple Kale Chips

30 Mar

I make Kale chips on a semi-regular basis now. Pretty much whenever I buy Kale most of it ends up in the dehydrator.

And there’s nothing better than the hum of a dehydrator 🙂

I was feeling saucy and decided to get a little creative flavor wise.

Inspired by my favorite seasoning du jour –  Smoky Maple Rubdown.

  • 1 T water
  • 1 T apple cider vinegar
  • 1 T maple syrup
  • 1 t smoky maple seasoning (you can make your own using smoked sea salt, brown sugar, chile powder, paprika, lime, and cumin)

I dehydrated it for 11-12 hours. If you do not have a dehydrator you can run out now and get one, or you can put these in the oven at a low temperate for a good amount of time- until crispy.

It’s supposed to hit 80 this weekend in Denver. Definitely going to spend the majority of my days outside 🙂

I’ll be demoing Justin’s Candy Bars 11-2 today at Colorado Blvd and from 4-7 at the Tamarac Whole Foods on Sunday. Stop by for delicious treats 😀

