Archive | 12:00 am

Leaf Vegetarian Restaurant

4 Apr

Denver weather: 85 degrees and sizzling the whole weekend. I got to see plenty of sunburns and a marathon of volleyball tournaments at the park this weekend.

Today – it snowed. all day. yeah.

But I love this variability. I live for the sunny days in December and the random snowstorm in April. It keeps me on my toes. I do have an umbrella, an ice scraper, and a dress stored in my car at all times. Just in case.

I was in Boulder for a few things, also starting to apartment hunt and pick up some Justin’s peanut butter cups.

*Note: I will not be eating said peanut butter cups (see: sugar buster) but sampling them to the masses at a Whole Foods near you. Yes, lucky you.

I had a spare block for time an needed to retreat from the snow for a quick lunch. I was right by downtown so naturally I chose my fav vegetarian restaurant in Boulder. Leaf

Jamaican Jerk Tempeh

forbidden rice, sautéed greens, coconut plantain sauce, fruit salsa

Loved the presentation and how I could distinctly see all the layers. The fruit salsa almost tasted like pickled beets, which I loved.

I didn’t really taste the entirety of the jerk flavor, but it was still insanely tasty. Plus I like things spicier than the rest of society so who am I to complain.

This pretty tower immediately broke down once I tore into it. I like how the tempeh wasn’t firm but deconstructed. It was definitely homemade.

Perfectly filling and not to big of a dish for lunch.

Well I’ve turned much older since graduating and now my bedtime has progressed to two hours earlier than it once was. Joyous days.

Question: What time does your body beg for sleep?

