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Life is like a Carton of Farm Fresh Eggs

9 Apr

In Forrest Gump, he says like is like a box of chocolates. You know the words.

Well I think life is like a carton of farm fresh eggs. Some are brown, white, spotted, big, small.

And sometimes you crack one open and get a yolk the size of your head.

Happy chickens are healthy chickens huh?

I should’ve put a quarter next to it so you could see how big it was. But mostly it was tall. I still ate it….I thought of it as getting extra nutrients.

This weekend was the first time in lord knows how long that I bought a non-Justins nut butter. gulp.

I thought of this as sampling the competition. But I really am a huge fan of local-based Earth Balance as well.

I’m a slave to their vegan butter and now an avid follower of their coconut butter.

I usually shy away from their nut butter because of the consistency but gave this new flavor a shot. I found this at Natural Grocers and have yet to see it at the Wholf

EB’s new coconut peanut butter is made with a combination of coconut oil and peanuts plus the usual suspects in a jar of nut butter. So no shredded coconut here, the oil is what gives it the coconut flavor. It also comes in smooth or crunchy.

Of course I’m a crunchy type of girl.

Pros: The scent! I may even use it in place of a candle to make my house smell good. Crunchy peanut butter is awesome. The combo of the scent and that nice coconut taste was very satisfying. Low sugar (2g) is a plus in my book! It’s also rich in polysaturated and monosaturated fats (yay)

Cons: Oil separation. Jars are so awkward to vigorously stir nut butter in. Then you inevitably spill some oil out of the jar and the bottom portion of the jar will be a dry mess. No bueno. Unless you’re used to a coconut oil flavor this may taste like imitation coconut to you.

Bottom line: This will last me longer than a jar of Justin’s because I eat Justin’s like its crack. This is a great alternative because of the low sugar content and crunchy option. It’s versatile enough to work in savory and sweet setting (it would make an amahzing Thai peanut sauce)

Since we’re talking about new things… (oo yea segway)

I should’ve stocked up on more. These are incredible. 3 mints are equal to one cup of green tea according to the label.

Each “mint” tastes EXACTLY like a cup of green tea.

And they’re cute as a button.

Oh TJ’s won’t you speed your entrance to Boulder a little sooner than 2013?

QUESTION          Nut butter: Crunchy or Smooth?

