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Pumpkin Black Bean Enchiladas

24 Apr

My Dad is about to love me for this recipe.

Mexican food is one of those craving that you just can’t shake. Luckily it’s always one of the easiest cuisines to whip up.

All I had to do was buy the enchilada sauce, the rest I already had on hand.

Every foodie most likely has a spare can of pumpkin puree in their cabinet. And for good reason!

Pumpkin Enchiladas (vegan)

makes about two small enchiladas or one large one

  • 1/2 c pumpkin
  • 1/2 c beans (I used black)
  • 1/2 c mushrooms (optional)
  • 1/2 c onion
  • 1 t garlic
  • 1.5 t cumin  – feel free to add more!
  • S&P
  • Enchilada Sauce – 2 T for filling plus more for topping
  • 2 small Tortillas or one large one

Optional additional toppings/fillings – Cheese, meat, tempeh, seitan, veggies, chives, potatoes

  1. Saute mushrooms and onion in the pan for 5 minutes
  2. Add remaining ingredients for filling
  3. Stir until mixture is warmed throughout
  4. Put mixture in a tortilla placing the folded side down
  5. Pour enchilada sauce on top
  6. Bake at 350 for 25 minutes or until tortillas are golden

When I combined the ingredients in the pan I decided to get a little artistic before I mixed it all up

With the enchilada sauce on top before baking

So good and so filling!

