Tag Archives: bahn mi

Sugar Coma

17 Oct

So this weekend was a very very busy weekend.

I helped work the Ethics Bootcamp at the University of Denver as a Student Leader.

Basically another orientation leader type of gig. Except geared towards business students and focused on ethics and motivational speakers. (Hey, were not #2 in the country for ethic for nothing!)

Despite the fact that it took up the majority of my weekend (because Sunday’s are for football) it was really interesting. I left the weekend feeling very uplifted and wanted to go out and do something.

Then I realized I have a 40% midterm, a paper, and a massive project all this week. Plus some fun stuff (CEO of REI speech, Raw Foods Class, and Obama is coming to speak at the uni next week, what??!)

Anyway I was mostly doing the bootcamp, if not studying my butt off (and failing to do a good job at that) so no fun food stuff quite yet

I made a run to the wholf for some takeaway food and something caught my eye.I am obsessed with Bahn Mi’s. They are vietnamese sandwhiches and they have an amazing balance of hot and cool. I’ve only been able to find a decent vego Bahn Mi at Rocket to Venus in Hampden.

If you havent been there and are in the Bmore area GO! It’s one of my fave restaurants and hipster in the best way possible.

Anywho I wanted to see if the Wholf was up for the challenge, since I’ve been toying with a recipe of my own but too lazy to make pickled daikon myself.The verdict?

An honorable attempt, but there wasn’t enough spice and the tofu was rather dry.

Did I eat the whole thing? You bet your bottom dollar!

The sauce was still pretty yum.

I did get up to some baking in the kitchen on Sunday. It resulted in two failed donut attempts. One really isn’t worth saving, the other was actually perfect, but stupid me decided to put the topping on the wrong side of the donut.

Still tasty, but very, very ugly.

After taste testing a few recipes I found myself in a sugar coma. (figurative)

A sugar headache. (literal)

I don’t know if I’ll be getting back to that recipe this week because I have no interest in sugar at the moment. It’s gonna be savories and salties for the next week at least.

Although I do see some late night coffee to get all of this study done. Cross your fingers I’m not ticking caffeine off the list

Have you ever gotten a sugar headache before?

