Tag Archives: black beans


1 Mar

I’m so incredibly tired I’m surprised I even remembered to put up a post! The is only a week and a half until I am finished with my undergraduate degree and things are getting exciting. The hardest part is getting these last few long papers done when my future is way more exciting to think about.

But I don’t want to jinx anything so lets keep it hush hush for now.


Salad: Kale, Mango, Avocado, Black Beans, Garbanzo Beans, Onion, Mushrooms

Marinated overnight with oil and vinegar.

Donut recipe is going to have to wait  until next week. I’m tweaking and adding a bit to the recipe.



Nachos Revisted

8 Feb

A remix of last weeks Mango Avocado Jalapeno Nachos.

Upgraded with the addition of black beans and fage yogurt used as a “sour cream” but without the avocado.

The fage was a great cooling factor to the jalapenos

I’m all kinds of tired. Gonna hit the sack early tonight!



I speak food, not politics

7 Feb

After work I went to a crowded gymnasium.

A very crowded gymnasium.

To hear this guy speak.

I’ve never been to a rally before so it was a tremendous first one to attend.

Romney speaks like a true business man and that is a language I am very familiar with.

But I’m not here to talk politics. I’m here to talk food.

Since I was out of the house for a full twelve hours packing meals was necessary.

Let’s take a gander at lunch, which has usually been some sort of marinated kale salad.

Kale, mushrooms, black beans, onion, jalapenos, and nacho mmm sauce with extra cayenne. Stored in the fridge overnight and devoured the next day.

