Tag Archives: cheesymite

Frozen Eyelashes

2 Feb

Hello chickadees! and…whatever the male form of that is…rooster?

Moving on,

I finally got some Jarlsberg cheese to satisfy my cheesymite craving.

Vegemite and Jarlsberg toasted on a Rye Wasa Cracker

Muuuuch better.

You know your crazy dedicated when you will face a windchill of negative twenty just to workout.

I think my eyelashes froze on the way there. Lucky I was wearing my underarmour ski mask!

I may have looked like I was going to mug someone….but I was warm!

I was craving some vegan pizza in these cold temps.Toasted up a tortilla and then topped it with tomato sauce, chopped onion, shroomies, spinach, sun-dried tomatoes, Daiya, and oregano. Then I popped it back in at 375 until it got all meltyI had a lazy(ish) day of organizing my room and studying. The library was closed due to cancellation of school so I was cramped in my apartment the whole day!

A little bit stir crazy! Something tells me I’ll be ready to brave the sub zero temps for my 8am just to get myself movin’ again!

Now onto the fitness train:

I stopped constantly posting my fitness routine because ,well, I figured you don’t care that much.

Plus, I’d rather talk about life, food, and random things, than tell you how many kettlebell swings I did today.

That being said, I do like to post about my workouts if it was a particularly fun outdoor activity like a 10k, biking, hiking, rock climbing etc…

Anywho, now that I’m an organized woman, I have a (pretty much) set workout schedule each week.

I like to go 4 times a week (usually a morning person)

One day of sprint workout and core exercises

One day of interval rowing workout plus stability ball drills and arms

One day of high intensity cardio circuits using a BOSU, jump rope, kettle bells, med balls, and all sort of other fun toys

I also do a spin class once a week.

I picked up a liking for this in Australia and so far I’m really enjoying the class.(plus they are 100% free, along with my gym membership. Wooo for being a DU student! Have I mentioned I get all public transport for free as a student too?) Just another tick on the list for why I love this fabulous city at the moment.

People! (are you listening parents?) Move to Colorado…now!


What foods do you crave when it’s abnormally cold out?

I like butternut squash soup topped with greek yogurt! mmm



Aussie, Aussie, Aussie

21 Jan

It’s tennis season baby.

I could think of no better way to toast the start of tennis season by watching my beloved city of Melbourne and eat cheesymite  crackers to the grunts and screams of tennis greats.

So who am I rooting for?

Tsonga, Monfils,Isner, Azarenka, Clijsters

I hope by the time this posts Monfils has advanced to the next round. I wish I had the willpower to stay up till 3am watching his match against Wawrinka. He is so much fun to watch.

That looks like it hurts. Ouch.

Moment I loved: Thomas Berdych has a LOUD fanbase. My favorite was when they sang to the tune of “Barabra Steisand” by Duck Sauce:

“oo oo oo ooooooooooo…. Thomas Berdych”

simple. sweet. yet hilarious.

Cheesymite Toastie

With Daiya: hmmm, kinda looks like a poptart
Toasted on a Rye Wasa Cracker with Pepperjack Rice Cheese.

nomnomnom love me some Vegemite but this toastie was calling for a different kind of sliced cheese, perhaps of a swiss variety?

Grocery list, check.

I don’t think I can survive at the grocery store without a list. An organized list.

Well, scratch that. I can survive. A grocery store is like my fifth home, I grew up thinking of the grocery store as a playground or a ‘fun thing to do’.

I will just undoubtedly forgot not just a few things I need without a handy-dandy list, I forget probably the most important thing. Which makes everything else I bought pointless because of that one tying ingredient.

Where do you keep your list? The computer?  handwritten? on your phone?

I’ve always done the handwritten thing, but after the amount of times I leave the list at home…it was time to invest in an iPhone App.



Delicious Improvisation

10 Jan

What a weekend it has been. Full of snow, reunions with old friends, and most importantly. A big, fat, RAVENS win. (and a Colts loss, which just makes the win super-sparkly)

Now I’m back into my mode of studying and reading etc.. etc..

I’m taking a course called Economic Botany for my Sustainability minor. Yes, the course title sounded suspicious at first, but it really is just a botany course all about plants their properties, and how human have been dependent on them over time.

You know you’re a food nerd when you get excited to talk about vegetables and fruits all day.

That is why I will dedicate this post to the ripened ovaries of plants. (This means fruit….by the way)

This muesli creation is one that was a staple of mine during the MicroFridge Era.

You can really use any type of muesli you want, I just happen to be bananas (ha) over this german brand that I can only seem to find in Baltimore.


I pour just enough to cover the bottom of my bowl and add a few scoops of Greek yogurt (I use Oikos) and almond milk. I still it all up and end up with something like this:

This will look better the next day I promise. I cover the bowl and let it sit overnight.

Then the fun part: toppings!!!

This bowl has ground flaxseed, ground chia, mixed berries, and a little bit of Amazing Grass Vanilla Chai Amazing Meal Powder

I heat up the frozen mixed berries in the microwave and end up with a little extra sauce to pour over the muesli. (This ends up mixing so well with the milk)

Topped with more almond milk for consuming

Did I mention it is snowing buckets here in Denver?

Mulled wine was such a big thing in Melbourne when I arrived there in the winter. With these subzero temps, that was exactly what the body was craving.

Mulled wine is like a spicy and warm sangria and it’s really simple to make.

  • 1 bottle of a full-bodied red wine (Merlot or Cab)
  • 1/2 c Brandy
  • orange zest
  • a little bit of brown sugar
  • an assortment of mixed fruit (like blueberries, peaches, or oranges)
  • 1 T cinnamon
  • 2 t nutmeg

I had help from my new sous-chef Natasha

Mulled Wine

(serves 2-4, depending on how much you want)

  1. Put al ingredients except for Brandy in a pot on LOW heat
  2. Stir regularly
  3. Once it begins to simmer, add the Brandy


Usually this recipe would call for cinnamon stick or cloves, which make it out of this world! But we had none, were lazy, and decided to improvise.Improvisation is delicious
After a glass or two I needed some nibbles!

I was craving some Cheesymite!

Vegemite and White Cheddar melted on a Corn Thin

Yes, Vegemite has worked its way into my heart. This is definitely the way to learn how to like it. It pairs really well with melted cheese on a cracker.

Now I like it on sandwiches and even as a dip for bread or crackers!

You’ll be seeing a lot more of from here on out.

Cross your fingers for cancelled classes tomorrow!

