Tag Archives: coffee


1 May

I finally know what also the huh-bub regarding smoothies is all about. Better late then never!

I have my ninja blender to thank for that. I bought this model at Bed Bath & Beyond with the handy-dandy 20% off coupons they give out like they’re going out of style.

This model is magic bullet like. It comes with three individual grab-n-go cups and also a larger blender for making big batches of smoothies or dough, etc…

The difference maker of the ninja products is that the blade is at the bottom, not the top of the blender, so all of the ice is blended easily. Just 5 or 6 pumps and its smoothielicious.

In the mix:

  • Almond milk
  • coffee
  • avocado
  • hemp seeds
  • flaxmeal
  • spinach
  • cacao
  • protein powder
  • maca
  • salt
  • ice

This specific recipe came from Katie at Rooted Wellbeing‘s Whole Foods cooking class on power breakfasts. I took her breakfast challenge and tried each of the three breakfasts to see what my body responded best too. Obvi, the smoothie won out.

Problem solved.

So freaking delicious but I forgot one of the basic rules of smoothie making. I had no straws on hand. Smoothies aren’t quite as fun with a spoon. Or spilling all over your face.

The avocado makes it super creamy which I love. The hemp, flax, and protein powder give this staying power. I was stuffed for a long, long time. It kept me from feeling snacky the whole day and night. And it was a nice cooler in this 80 degree heat.

I used Life’s Basic protein powder which is vegan and derived from pea and rice protein. I sampled it at a grocery store and was sold ever since.

Welcome to my life Green Monsters. I may or may not be having you every single morning.




Grill’d and Stuffed

22 Mar

With Field Hockey and Soccer taking over the majority of my mornings, I know there one thing I can always rely on…

Coffee…lots and lots of coffee.

Coffee dates, coffee’s on the way to Uni, coffee on the way back from Uni.

Short MacchiatosCappuccinosMochasAll of them gorgeous and delicious in their own way.

I’m limiting myself to no more than two a day. I don’t want to get the McTwitches (Supersize Me reference anyone?)

I kind of overdid the training and my quad locked up yesterday. Good thing the finals for field hockey aren’t until Monday!

I’m thinking yoga is going to be my savior. That and rest.

At least it’s kick started my appetite, which is roaring.

Solution: Grill’d

One of the best burger chains in Australia. They have some pretty decent Vego options and their ingredients are very fresh.

I got the Bombay Classic: A Chickpea Pattie with Roasted Red Peppers and Tzatziki.

Warning: If you want to successfully eat a Grill’d burger, keep that massive toothpick thingo in!

It’s gonna be messy no matter what (have you seen the size of this thing?) so maybe not the best date locale 😉Eamonn could hardly contain his excitement for his Grill’d burger.Bitten:Satisfied Customers:


You can also always rely on leaving Grill’d absolutely full.

I have a few cooking/dinner dates planned for the weekend and about a million recipes floating around in my head.

Only a lucky few will make the cut 😉

Stay tuned…



Coffee Spin Art

17 Aug

This week is a busy week of uni, balls (yep, the kind from Cinderella, minus the class and gown though 😉 ) meetings, and potentially a casual job? Oh and the heaps of social activities with Queens and within the Uni.

So what’s new with me?

Oh, you know the usual. Just fueling the coffee addiction.

I swear to you, coffee is an art form here.

Mocha from Carlton Espresso

It reminds me of spin art. Tasty tasty spin art.

It’s an art form that I am going to appreciate everyday.

This coffee spot on Lygon was absolutely adorable. I loved the clean simple design and wooden tables. I also adore this city’s love for heat lamps! I was warm and toasty even after I finished my coffee. 🙂

The menu had my stomach grumbling, everything looked straight outta Italy delicious

Snackage ensued…

Piadina: Vegetables with goat cheese and spinach in a flatbread wrap

I concluded that Piadina must be Italian for Gourmet Quesadilla…

Yea… Piadina may sound a little more classy

Ana got to work with her barista skills

Cappuccino designs

Anna: Ze arteeeest

The girls

Anna, Hannah, and ChanelThe bright sun made an appearance in the photo, giving Hannah a holy appearance.

The sun hasn’t made many appearances this week so we welcomed it with open wings arms.

Have a lovely (and potentially caffeinated) day!
