Tag Archives: dates

Raw Foods Class Recap

20 Oct

Ok what a lot of you have been waiting for. My recap of the raw foods class.

This is the second “class” I’ve taken at Whole Foods (you can see the first here)

I say “class” because it’s more of a demonstration. This was freakin awesome though because  the teacher, Katie, was really interactive with the large crowd of people. I learned a whole lot from that class. And coming form a foodie that really says something.

Katie was very knowledgable about raw foods, nutrients, cooking etc… probably because she is a health and wellness coach. Plus I really liked her apron. You know someone’s a serious cook if they’re rockin’ a sweet apron.

So here’s what the set up looked like when I walked in: 

I was already salivating by the time I saw the Vitamix and the food hadn’t even come out yet. You hear me Santa and Hannukah Harry? 

It was mexican themed so on the menu : Fajitas with Taco “meat”, sour “cream”, and nacho “cheese” sauce. Plus some chocolate chile truffles! mmm

The Fajita mix was basically made by marinating the thinly sliced veggies

The taco “meat” (pictured in the bottom right – was hard to get a good picture of that puppy) was made from ground walnuts! I was way excited about that.

I love walnuts and this tasted incredible. I want to start using this instead of meatless crumbles from now on!

The sour “cream” and nacho “cheese” sauce are ones that the blogosphere should be very familiar with. The base was soaked cashews and the sour cream had lemon and apple cider vinegar (among a few other things) added to it, while the “cheese” had nooch.(for those not in the blogosphere know-how-Nutriotional Yeast)

One thing this class turned me onto was apple cider vinegar. I had heard things about it here and there but didn’t realize how fantastic it was for your digestive system. Being the curious vegetarian that I am, I eat a lot of weird food.

Hullo Apple Cider Vinegar!

On the plate: The Works. All of the above plus some chopped tomatoes wrapped in a collard leaf.

And as a burrito should be, it was messy! I’ll have to make note to cut the collard leaves large so I can wrap em Chipotle style when I make them.

Let’s not forget dessert (which was consumed before the main actually)

Chocolate Chile Truffles!

Ok these I will most definitely be making in the future. I love a good kick and this is one of the few ways I will eat a good amount of chocolate.

I was so happy they made this recipe because I’m in the process of developing a mole sauce recipe and had no clue how much cayenne to use.

These truffles only had a teaspoon in the whole batch and that was enough to satisfy my spicy tooth.

Main ingredients were walnuts, dates, honey, and cacao powder on the inside and out.
If you guys beg me, I will get to making all of this from my house asap if your just dying to get the recipes.
Otherwise I’ll probably just make them at my leisure.
This will not be my last Raw Foods Class! I really enjoyed this one plus I’m dying to know what I can do with my dehydrator besides the twenty different kale chip variations I have spinning in my head at the moment.
What’s your take on raw foods. For? Against? In between?
I’m for, but in moderation. I don’t believe that a 100% raw diet is good for you based on some articles I have read but I do think incorporating it largely into your diet can do wonders.

For the Love of Dates: Sticky Date Pudding

4 Mar

Besides the coffee, there is one sweet I miss from Melbourne. Sticky Date Pudding.

Firstly, I was impressed by Aussies shared love for dates.
Hullo, people in Amurrica (outside of our food bloggin’ walls) aren’t the fondest.
That’s just cos they haven’t tried it yet 😉
When I came home I made a mini-blog mission to create a sticky date recipe. A healthier one (the regular version is covered in a sinfully delicious yet artery clogging caramel sauce) and possibly a vegan one.
I’m lovin’ the vegan challenge lately!
It took me long enough to get around to it, but I did it.
It’s called pudding but its more of a “cake”. Though lots of Aussies like to pour the sauce on and stir it all up so it gets more of a pudding consistency.
After four total trials I resulted in two versions. One vegan and one not.
The final products: side by side (vegan on the left, non-vegan on the right)

I tried to get a mid drippage photo.
It looks like its sprouting an umbilical cord.
Trial one was a major FAIL.
The non-vegan version inverted and the vegan ones were too maple-y.
I think the sauce was ON but I think there neede to be a more distinct date flavor in the base.
So I upped the brown sugar to keep that dark, richer flavor and replaced some of the maple with agave.
If I had some molasses I would have definitely played with that a bit.
I tweaked up the recipe for trial two and resulted in two subtly different and equally delicious sticky date pudding recipes.
Firstly, I decided to add 2 T of flax cos THAT’S WHAT I DO
Update: my new street name is The Flax Fiend
Update #2: I have absolutely no street cred
For some reason the dates had a hard time dissolving in the hot water this go ’round, so I put it in the microwave for 30 seconds and that did the trick.
I also used some of the extra date/water/sugar mixture on top of the non-vegan version just for fun…hence the little dark spots on their centers.

Vegan Sticky Date Pudding

makes 12

  • 1 c Dates
  • 3/4 c Hot water
  • 1/2 c Whole wheat flour
  • 1/2 c Almond flour
  • 1/4 c Coconut oil
  • 1 Chia egg
  • 1 t Baking soda
  • 1 t Vanilla
  • ½ c Brown sugar
  • 1 T Maple
  • 1 T Agave
  • 2 T Flax
  • pinch of salt


Non-Vegan Sticky Date Pudding

makes 12

  • 1 c Dates
  • 3/4 c Hot water
  • ½ c Almond flour
  • 1/2 c Whole wheat flour
  • 1 T Maple
  • 1 T Agave
  • ½ c Brown Sugar
  • 1 Egg
  • 1/4 c Applesauce
  • 1 t Baking soda
  • 1 t Baking powder
  • 2 t Arrowroot
  • 1 t Vanilla
  • 2 T Flax
  • pinch of salt

  1. Chop dates in a food processor
  2. Combine dates, boiling water, and brown sugar. Stir until dissolved
  3. Combine remaining ingredients in a separate bowl
  4. Add n the date/water mixture
  5. Bake at 350 in muffin tins for 25 minutes or until done.

Non-Vegan Version: Before & After

Vegan Version: Before & After

I decided to just make one sauce interchangeable to be vegan or non-vegan. Just sub out the earth balance butter for real butter if you can eat dairy!

Sticky Date Sauce

  • 1 c Brown sugar
  • 1/2 c Water
  • 2 T Earth Balance butter
  • 2 t Maple
  • 1 t Vanilla
  1. Combine brown sugar and water in a sauce pan or small pot for 15~20 mins
  2. Add butter, maple and vanilla
  3. Cook on the stove top for another 5 minutes
  4. Put the mixture in the fridge for a half hour or so to let in congeal


  • **Make sure you serve it warm. Warm cake and warm sauce. ALWAYS! This will help everything absorb and bring out the flavors.**
  • Warm up the base in the microwave before you put the sauce on–>this will taste better and help it absorb the sauce.
  • Poke the top with a fork before pouring the sauce on so it can seep in better.
  • Heating the sauce before you pour is optional. If you don’t microwave it, the warm base should heat it up anyways.
  • Top with bananas, walnuts or eat it with just the sauce!


VEGAN: Absorbed the caramel sauce better. Very moist. A bit more of a nuttier flavor. The favorite among taste testers

NON-VEGAN: Equally good with a more delicate flavor. This version would be complimented best by toppings.

Toppings: caramel sauce and bananas! Walnuts wold be equally as delicious

Your welcome to top with ice cream. Honestly, I love hot n cold combos but I don’t think you should mess with this one.



And topped with some sliced Banana.

That’s All Folks! Have a great weekend!


We’re Off to See The Wizard

6 Jul

I cannot believe how quickly my departure to Oz is approaching. For those of you not familiar with the lingo: Oz is Australia. (Their term, not mine) I’m officially packed and ready to go. I leave for California on Thursday and will stay with my friend Natasha for a few days. Then on Saturday night I’m off on a 14+ hour flight to Melbourne.

  • Intervals on the rowing machine
  1. 500 m  x 2
  2. 300 m x 2
  3. 250 m x 2
  4. 150 m x 2
  • Circuit training for 25 minutes

I could try to name all the exercise I did, but I can hardly even remember the proper names for all of them now. I kind of zone out into my own thoughts sometimes. I still work super hard, but exercising is my time to sort out my own thoughts and gain clarity. I did 3 reps of each exercise. Here’s are the ones I remember!

  1. Bosu pushups, Bosu planks, Bosu V-ups, medicine ball wood chops, vertical hip drives, stability ball chest press, weighted squats……ok my brain stopped here.

My sweet tooth kicked in at night and I made an old favorite.

Goats Cheese Walnut Stuffed Dates

  • Medjool Dates, halved and pitted
  • Soft Goat Cheese (Whole Foods Goat Cheese Crumbles work well)
  • Walnut pieces
  1. Smush goat cheese into each Medjool half
  2. Top each half with a walnut piece
  3. Bake in the oven for 8-10 minutes at 350. (or until the walnuts become golden…not burnt!)

These make great hors d’oeuvres for parties and are best served warm, so reheat them a little or bake them shortly before serving. Also, I would buy dates with pits. The pre-pitted ones don’t seem to have the same consistency in my experience.

I used to have an obsession with eggplant. I don’t eat it as often as I used to, but I still get in purple veggie kicks now and then. I always pair it with the same flavor combinations of tomato and cheese. Can you believe I used to hate eggplant and tomatoes? I taught myself to like them and gradually I began to LOVE them.

Eggplant Medallions

  • 1 Large Eggplant cut into 1/4 inch slices
  • Tomato sauce
  • Goat cheese
  • Italian seasonings (I used a blend that had rosemary, thyme, and dill)
  1. Preheat the oven to 375
  2. Season the sliced eggplant with italian seasonings and place on a baking tray
  3. Bake for 20 minutes
  4. Remove from oven and plate it once cooled
  5. Top with tomato sauce and goat cheese

I’ve made these using multiple tomato-cheese combinations. Another favorite is eggplant-tomato-mozzarella stacks topped with a balsamic drizzle. Okay. I must stop before I start drooling onto the keyboard.

“Stay thirsty my friends,”
