Tag Archives: flatbread


8 Mar

I’m functioning on little sleep and cannot focus on tomorrows exam. So naturally blogging makes me feel like I’m doing something productive!

This week I have to use up all the perishables in my kitchen.

I’ve done a pretty good job and stopped buying lot of stuff a while back.

The only thing I probably have way to many of is wraps! I completely forgot I froze a bunch of flatbreads.

My dad used to call me Casey-dilla and clearly I have not been doing the nickname justice.

I haven’t been making sandwiches/wraps as much as I usually do, but now I’m forced to co back to my Caseydilla ways

Mango, BBQ sauce, onion, faux chik’n

First I sautéed the onions and chick’n.

Once they were done I spread BBQ sauce on a tortilla and topped with the rest of the ingredients.

Then smothered it in more BBQ sauce.

I told you…I have a lot of tortillas/flatbreads:

Crumbled-up Salmon Burger, Spinach, Onion, Dill, Feta, Rice Cheese

The flatbread wraps actually work better than regular tortillas because of their rectangular shape.

I love to overstuff my Casey-dillas and this allowed for minimum spillage. Plus the fluffy texture helped stuff it to maximum capacity! WINNING

Alright, is anyone else as obsessed with following Charlie Sheen on twitter as I am.

I don’t really follow celebs on Twitter, but his tweets never fail to make me laugh my butt of each time.

Someone give this kid his own reality show so I can continue procrastinating.


In other winning news…


Nachos: a great way to use up leftovers.

Countertop lighting:

The elements:

  • Mixture of faux meat crumbles, onion, tomato, sriracha, and taco seasoning
  • Diced tomato & red onion
  • Greek Yogurt
  • Feta
  • Spinach and Mushroom saute

Birds eye:I just sliced up a tortilla, topped it with some coconut oil, S&P.

Toasted them in the oven for Instant Tortilla Chips
Very satisfying. Expect to see this again soon as I use up the rest of my tortillas.

Some other combos in store for Caseydilla creations, just to  get your juices flowing. (Note: this is only using what I have left to use up in my fridge. Hence the repetitiveness)

  • Tomato, mushrooms, spinach, rice cheese, artichokes
  • Tempeh, relish, rice cheese

Are you good about using up everything in your fridge before you move/travel?

I wont lie…usually that a no for me 😉



Pumpkin Cashew Parmesan Dip

17 Feb

Well my dearies:

I cannot seem to find a way to make this dip appear bee-you-tiful. I do not have any pretty blogging bowls at the moment and it doesn’t help that this dip is camera-shy.

But what it lacks in photography it make up for in taste ;). Promise

This dip will change your world.

A little too overzealous?


Pumpkin Cashew Parmesan Dip

  • 1.5~2 cups Cashews (depending on how much you add towards the end)
  • 1 T Oil
  • S & P to taste
  • 1.5 T Cumin
  • ¾ c Pumpkin
  • 1 t  minced garlic
  • 3 T Parmesan
  1. Grind cashews in a food processor until you get a ‘meal’
  2. Add all other ingredients and mix until desired consistency is reached
  3. Add in some more cashews at the end  if you want some chunk in there. (optional)

If you want to veganize this I know there are a few varieties of vegan parm out there. Or you can make Ashley’s vegan parmesan cheeze. I’m sure that would work great too!

This dip is more dense then hummus. Go grab some crackers or crudites and get dippin!

For Dinner I was HANGRY.

After a long day of classes, two exams, and a career fair, my craving was full-throttle

Sweet ‘n’ Spicy

Flatbread Pizza: Spinach Flatbread base, Spicy Barbeque Sauce as the ‘sauce’

Toppings: Diced Onion, Tomato, Red Pepper, Black Beans, Feta and Pineapple!

Baked at 350 for 20 minutes (or until the edges begin to brown)

You should also be able to smell when its ready as the pineapple begins to caramelize.

The Sweet ‘n’ Spicy combo was soo good

Especially since that sauce is super spicy it needed some sweet to balance the flavors.

After I finished this off (kept me full for ages!) I did some google-readering only to see Mama Pea made an almost identical “pizza”

It’s a small blog world out there.


