Tag Archives: froth

Frothing for a Froth

10 Oct

It was the first super cold weekend in Denver. Throw in the fact that are windows are still not fixed.

It was a very cold weekend in Denver.

I rallied, with cappuccino.

Frother:  I used farm fresh milk (did you know by the time you return the glass bottle it ends up being under a dollar a gallon?)

I went to get some flavor syrup last weekend and one of my favorite flavors called to me from the shelf. Salty Caramel –score!And the most important ingredient : espresso – Italian style

In case you didn’t know what was in there. The bottomless mug labels it for ya.Sprinkled on top with TJ’s sugar chocolate coffee beanSalted Caramel Cappuccino


  • Salted Caramel on the bottom
  • Espresso poured on top
  • Then goes the milk
  • Then goes the froth, lots and lots of froth
  • Sprinklings

This is such a comfort craving that I really needed this week.
I also went for a 4 mile run and ran into…the Denver Half Marathon. They were running right near my house! Congrats to all that completed it in absolutely frigid temperatures.
Remind me to wear earmuffs next week!
I’ve been really Australia home-sick this entire week. I don’t really know what to call that since its my second home, but not my “true” home. Le sigh. I guess it’s going to be plane ticket I save up for a few years, not a new bike, or a Vitamix. 
Well…I’m off to continue procrastinating.
What do you do when you get homesick/miss your friends? I’ve been alternating between trying to skype/talk to them and trying to busy myself for distraction
Favorite Cold Weather Drink? tie – coffee or mulled wine mmm