Tag Archives: Lavazza

Smashed Avocado Tostilla

6 Feb

What do you do when a massive snow storm hits, your car is buried….

and all your craving is a smashed avocado toastie but you have no bread?

Smashed Avocado Toastilla

Tortilla, Avocado, S&P, smoked paprika

Remember when I said I only drink coffee on occasion? Well this is definitely one of those occasion

Salted Caramel Cappuccino.

I made this one with Lavazza coffee which is exceptionally smooth.

I also stumbled upon this the next day on campus.

This is not a normal occurrence for DU, it just happened to be ESPN2 gameday for the basketball game. So they put on a little show…

And hes off….

Does he stick the landing?

Epic succession of photos.

