Tag Archives: slice

Tofu Themed

10 Apr

Greetings Earthlings,

I still have yet to reach my goal of posting three times a week whilst abroad, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to stop trying.

I swear I’ve had these pictures uploaded for days but never managed to slap some words around it and post it.

So another game of catch-up it is!

I went to Bridge Road, a strip of shops that the majority are the outlet versions of designer shops or unknown designers.

I meant just to throw an eye out for a ball dress for Queens College Ball, but ended up falling in love with this dress. It’s made by an ‘up-and-coming’ Australian designer straight out of fashion school

So I reckon that makes it really unique.

It also fits like a dream and is Lady Gaga-esque without being over the top

But im not gonna ruin the big ball dress reveal.

Guess you’ll have to wait for pictures post-ball. FYI that’s in about a month

As I was”window shopping” I got peckish, saw a sign that read “Tofu Shop” and followed in like a mosquito drawn to the light.


I was picturing just a shop full of tofu products but was pleasantly surprised when I saw it was a proper lunch spot…buffet style.

I got the small size, but could well stuff six or seven items in it!


Everything was tofu themed.


I settles on a combination of:

  • Spiced couscous
  • Tofu and mushroom mixture
  • Bean mixture
  • I think I’m missing something here, but I was just pointing and choosing at this point 😉
  • Tofu hummus
  • Ginger

LayersAll mixed upI also got a Lemon and Saffron Tofu Slice for takeaway.

Saffron just screams “delicacy” to me, so I just had to try it.

It was very rich and dense in the flavor, but the tofu texture balanced it out and made it a bit more fluffy.

Hmm dense and fluffy? I feel like I contradicted myself there.

Basically I was full from it, but the texture was lovely.

Next time I head that way I think I’ll try the Tofu Apple Crumble. mmmm

The owner told me that was her favorite.


In sporting news: Soccer quarterfinals are tomorrow morning. It gets pretty fast paced after this with the semifinals on Thursday and the Grand Final potentially on Friday.

Cross your fingers for me!

In quad-tastic news: I am now able to sprint again and haven’t locked up any muscles in a soccer training since!


I’ll have more news regarding sporting results, napping, job news, other job news, and general life details next time.

And I promise you won’t have to wait a week for it 😉

