Tag Archives: smoked paprika

Smashed Avocado Tostilla

6 Feb

What do you do when a massive snow storm hits, your car is buried….

and all your craving is a smashed avocado toastie but you have no bread?

Smashed Avocado Toastilla

Tortilla, Avocado, S&P, smoked paprika

Remember when I said I only drink coffee on occasion? Well this is definitely one of those occasion

Salted Caramel Cappuccino.

I made this one with Lavazza coffee which is exceptionally smooth.

I also stumbled upon this the next day on campus.

This is not a normal occurrence for DU, it just happened to be ESPN2 gameday for the basketball game. So they put on a little show…

And hes off….

Does he stick the landing?

Epic succession of photos.



Stuffed Peppers (Vegan)

7 Oct

Woohoo! Thanks to wordpress support for figuring out my problem!

All better, apparently I wasn’t using the browser function.

I’m a rookie

Without further ado I bring you…

Vegan Stuffed Peppers

  • 1/2 c meat crumbles (optional)
  • 1/2 c diced tomatoes (or canned tomatoes)
  • 1/2 c black beans
  • 1/2 c mushrooms
  • random veggie additions of your choice (I used diced broccoli & cauli)
  • 1/2 T taco seasoning
  • sriracha, chili powder, S&P (all to your liking)
  • 1/4 c Daiya pepperjack cheese
  • 2 WIDE bell peppers
  1. Cut the tops off and clean the peppers.
  2. Set aside.
  3. Saute all of the veggies in a pan
  4. Add Sriracha, chili powder, S&P towards the end of cooking
  5. Cook the meat crumbles in a separate pan
  6. Add taco seasoning and black beans
  7. Combine the two mixtures and stuff the peppers
  8. Top mixture with Daiya Cheese
  9. Heat in the oven at 400 until the cheese is super melty
I topped mine with S&P and Paprika

The best thing is you can make the filling beforehand and put in the fridge. Then just stuff the peppers and heat in the oven once your reading to consume.

This filling mixture was hard to stop sneaking fork-fulls of from the pan!

I’ve been using this South African Smoke Seasoning Blend on pretty much everything that requires pepper.

i smuggled a few different seasoning from Trader Joe’s before I left the east coast.

I haven’t tried the flower pepper yet, but I’m very excited for that lavender taste….just got to figure out what it will compliment best.Have a great weekend!
