Tag Archives: taco seasoning

Mini Stuffed Vegan Peppers

20 Mar

Every so often when I go to the supermarket I buy the little tri-colored sweet peppers off of impulse.

I’m not sure why I keep doing this because I don’t really like their taste on their own.

I guess I’m just swayed by their adorable miniature-ness.

Well, the same thing happened again this weekend but this time I had a solution.

Mini stuffed sweet peppers (v)

  1. Slice peppers in half and place on a baking sheet
  2. Heat the soy crumble, onion, and a little bit of taco seasoning over a skillet on medium heat
  3. Once it was cooked through, combine with tomato sauce in a separate bowl.
  4. Stuff peppers and top a sprinkle of Daiya cheese
  5. Cook in oven at 350 for 10 minutes
  6. Top with spicy yogurt (optional)

Keeping with the mini theme, these pepper needed a mini oven. So I stuck them in the toaster oven.

Perfect little party poppers for the March Madness weekend.

For the spicy yogurt (a great spicy sour cream swap)

  • about 1/3 c Plain greek yogurt (I used Oikos)
  • ~1/2 t taco seasoning
  • dash of cayenne (or sriracha)

Super-Spicy addition of choice: Sriracha or Cayenne?

I’m all about the sriracha 🙂 (Whole Foods sells a true vegan/organic one too)



Stuffed Peppers (Vegan)

7 Oct

Woohoo! Thanks to wordpress support for figuring out my problem!

All better, apparently I wasn’t using the browser function.

I’m a rookie

Without further ado I bring you…

Vegan Stuffed Peppers

  • 1/2 c meat crumbles (optional)
  • 1/2 c diced tomatoes (or canned tomatoes)
  • 1/2 c black beans
  • 1/2 c mushrooms
  • random veggie additions of your choice (I used diced broccoli & cauli)
  • 1/2 T taco seasoning
  • sriracha, chili powder, S&P (all to your liking)
  • 1/4 c Daiya pepperjack cheese
  • 2 WIDE bell peppers
  1. Cut the tops off and clean the peppers.
  2. Set aside.
  3. Saute all of the veggies in a pan
  4. Add Sriracha, chili powder, S&P towards the end of cooking
  5. Cook the meat crumbles in a separate pan
  6. Add taco seasoning and black beans
  7. Combine the two mixtures and stuff the peppers
  8. Top mixture with Daiya Cheese
  9. Heat in the oven at 400 until the cheese is super melty
I topped mine with S&P and Paprika

The best thing is you can make the filling beforehand and put in the fridge. Then just stuff the peppers and heat in the oven once your reading to consume.

This filling mixture was hard to stop sneaking fork-fulls of from the pan!

I’ve been using this South African Smoke Seasoning Blend on pretty much everything that requires pepper.

i smuggled a few different seasoning from Trader Joe’s before I left the east coast.

I haven’t tried the flower pepper yet, but I’m very excited for that lavender taste….just got to figure out what it will compliment best.Have a great weekend!


Peanut Butter Smuggler

10 Mar

This post has to be short and sweet. I’m leaving tomorrow, but I guess as you are reading this it will be tonight!!!

Note to self: Never take finals and pack for leaving the country at the same time.

There are not enough hours in the day!

That’s why I’ve been a bit of a slack on all of the other blogs, and on responding to comments.

Also note to self: Mexican Food is an excellent way to empty your fridge.

In the mix

  • Toasted Rosemary Tortilla Chips
  • Red Onion
  • Tomato
  • Mixture of faux meat crumbles, onion, tomato, sriracha and taco seasoning
  • Some artichokes just for kicks
  • Rice Cheese
  • Greek Yogurt (Damn…so close to being vegan.)

To make the tortilla chips I just sliced up some tortillas and Flatouts and sprayed em with coconut oil then sprinkled S&P and copious amounts of rosemary on top.

I blame my rosemary obsession on Wisecrackers. They are these rosemary crackers I used to get at trader joes and they are delicious!

So as you all may be wondering (but probably aren’t)

What am I smuggling to the Southern Hemisphere? (sorry no pics, it’s all packed!)

For me:

  • Amazing Grass Superfood Bars
  • A few sachets of Justins Chocolate Hazelnut Butter
  • Hot Coffee flavored ginger chews

For my friends:

  • Peanut butter cups, lots and lots of peanut butter cups
  • Pretzel M&Ms
  • TJ’s peanut butter filled pretzels?
  • Abbazabbas (Never had these but I got a specific request)
  • Bullseyes (A candy from Baltimore basically its frosting filling inside a caramel)
  • Take 5’s (These are an absolute favorite of mine)
  • Tons of Ravens gear. (C’mon international support!)
  • Some Natty ‘Boh (Local Baltimore brew) paraphernalia
  • Marshmallows
  • Graham Crackers (To show them the magic of s’mores!)
  • A few Chocolove Bars for some special people

Shh don’t tell customs! 😉

I swear, half of one of my bags is dedicated to American candy/gifts, honest.

Think I’m representing the apparent peanut butter obsessed Americans well? 😉

Hopefully I will have a few spare hours to take photos/blog about plane food and traveling etc…

I do have another exam tomorrow, but after that my brain will be on vacation.

Read: I am not responsible for the words that some out of my mouth

In other news I got this odd/random craving for P.B. crisps.

(Source: Jason Leibig)

I had to google what they were called though. It was a very complicated craving

I remember inhaling en entire bag of these.

Alas, they’re discontinued…what gives?

Aaand I’m out of nut butter.

Aaaand I have to be a good gift giver and abstain from opening the package of Reese’s cups I got for my Aussie friends

And…I’m tired. Goodnight!

What retro candy do you miss?

PB Crisps!!!

Also what your favorite/most used spice?

Easy: Rosemary or Cumin
